CENSUS is proud to have participated in FOSSCOMM 2011, the annual hellenic conference that brings together Free/OSS communities and developers for a 2-day marathon of talks, workshops and technical discussions!

This year’s FOSSCOMM took place on May 7th and 8th at the University of Patras. census participated with two presentations.
Our first talk, given by Dimitris Glynos was called “Performing Digital Forensics with Open Source tools”. The talk presented the basic steps of a digital forensics investigation process and illustrated how these could be carried out with the aid of open source tools.
Our security researchers Patroklos Argyroudis and Chariton Karamitas followed with the “Patras Heap Massacre” presentation, a study of heap management and exploitation strategies for both kernel and userland applications!
We would like to congratulate the organizers of FOSSCOMM and the University of Patras for hosting this great event!
We would also like to thank everyone that attended; we’re looking forward to seeing you at next year’s conference!