Banking was one of the first industries to adopt electronic transactions and since then it has been building security architectures to enable for the delivery of trusted financial services. Companies in the FinTech space also share a similar journey, as the technological means that have enabled them to provide innovative financial services, come with cybersecurity risks that require their constant attention.


CENSUS has a long history of supporting organizations in the Banking and FinTech fields, with security assessment and consulting services that span across a wide range of topics, including device assessments for customer facing devices, configuration audits for infrastructure elements, application assessments for online and internal services, design reviews for new software features / protocols / infrastructure architectures, threat modeling & security documentation for financial products, penetration testing (through different adversarial scenarios) for organization infrastructure and processes, social engineering and physical attacks to financial organization headquarters and branch offices, but also consulting on secure development practices for the development and continuous deployment of trustworthy systems.

Services Overview

In order to overcome cybersecurity challenges in the Banking & FinΤech sectors, CENSUS provides a variety of services including:
  • Design Level Review
  • Source Code Auditing
  • Application Security Testing (Web & Mobile Application Security Testing)
  • Device Security Testing
  • Network & Cloud Infrastructure Testing
  • Tiger Team, Red Teaming & Penetration Testing
  • Threat Modeling & Other Product Security Documentation
  • Training & Consulting
  • Secure SDLC

More Information about the challenges of the Banking & FinΤech industries and solutions that CENSUS provides, can be found in the