Articles with tag: Talk
POSTED BY: Patroklos Argyroudis / 03.04.2013

How to enhance penetration testing through vulnerability research

The slides from my short presentation on “How to enhance penetration testing through vulnerability research” from the 3rd Infocom Security conference, are now available here (in Greek).

POSTED BY: CENSUS / 17.08.2012

OWASP AppSec Research 2012

CENSUS was one of the sponsors of the OWASP AppSec Research 2012 conference, held at the University of Athens, Greece on July 10-12th, 2012. Besides helping out with the CTF challenge, CENSUS researchers also provided a technical talk on Heap Exploitation Abstraction.

POSTED BY: Patroklos Argyroudis / 17.08.2012

Heap Exploitation Abstraction by Example - OWASP AppSec Research 2012

This year’s OWASP AppSec Research conference took place in Athens, Greece and we were planning to be there as participants. However, the day before the conference, Konstantinos Papapanagiotou (General Chair) asked if we could do a presentation to replace a cancelled talk. Myself and Chariton Karamitas agreed to help and spend around three hours preparing a talk on heap exploitation abstraction, a subject dear to us.