Black Hat Europe 2018
CENSUS is participating at this year's Black Hat Europe conference with a presentation by researcher Zisis Sialveras on VMWare guest-to-host exploitation entitled Straight Outta VMware: Modern Exploitation of the SVGA Device for Guest-to-Host Escapes.
CENSUS will be participating at FOSSCOMM 2018, the annual Free and Open Source Communities conference, that will take place on October 13th & 14th 2018 at the Univ. of Crete, in Herakleion, Crete, Greece.
Microsoft BlueHat v18
CENSUS participated in the Microsoft BlueHat v18 Security Conference with a presentation on a VMware guest-to-host escape methodology. The presentation was delivered by CENSUS researcher Zisis Sialveras and was entitled "Straight Outta VMware: Modern exploitation of the SVGA device for guest-to-host escapes".
CENSUS listed in Mayo Clinic's recommended External Assessors list
Since November 2017, Mayo Clinic includes CENSUS in the list of recommended External Assessors for conducting vulnerability assessments to medical devices prior to purchase and installation at the Clinic's environment. Mayo Clinic provides device vendors the option of either having a device assessed by the internal Clinical Information Security team or through an External Assessor following a specific process.