Articles with tag: Fuzzing
POSTED BY: Dimitrios Glynos / 10.12.2020

Using program instrumentation to identify security bugs (Oπe\n conf 2020)

On November 7, 2020 I had the pleasure of doing a gentle introduction to program instrumentation to an audience of mostly developers at the "Oπe\n conf 2020" conference. The presentation showed how instrumentation could be used to identify security bugs in software, but also how to protect production binaries from exploitation through program instrumentation.

POSTED BY: Aris Thallas / 22.07.2020

Emulating Hypervisors: a Samsung RKP case study (OffensiveCon 2020)

Hello, I'm Aris Thallas, a computer security researcher working at CENSUS. Back in February 2020 I had the pleasure of presenting my work on proprietary hypervisor emulation and bug discovery at the OffensiveCon 2020 conference.

POSTED BY: Dimitrios Tatsis / 26.08.2019

Attacking Hexagon: Security Analysis of Qualcomm's aDSP (RECON MONTREAL 2019)

Attending Recon 2019 was an amazing experience with many interesting talks. I would like to thank the organizers for the excellent event and I definitely hope to return next year.

POSTED BY: CENSUS / 27.06.2019


CENSUS will be participating in the RECON MONTREAL 2019 conference with a presentation by security researcher Dimitrios Tatsis entitled "Attacking Hexagon: Security Analysis of Qualcomm's aDSP".